
Christian Andersson, Ulla Von Brandenburg, Pierre Laurent Cassière, Geert Goiris, Pierre Labat

3 November — 17 December 2011

PHENOMENONS, a return ticket between illusion and reality

(Normal, Not Normal – Paranormal)

In the exhibition Phenomenons, the selected artworks deal with the ideas of shift, interference, mental projections, telekinesis, magic, and immerge the spectator in a moving environment, putting him or her at the centre of a strange fiction of simulacrum.

The hidden dimension of the visible, esotericism, have always been a counterpart to the dominant beliefs in Western society, and are still very powerful today in the collective imagination. This attraction to the occult or the surnatural in the exhibition is melted with some kind of rejection to be put in perspective with the strong rationalism of our culture. The exhibited works involve a playful experience of paranormal phenomenons with sophisticated illusions, but where the persistant folklore of our beliefs reflect the visitor’s own superstitions. The exhibition at Néon proposes an art that one could call “supernaturalistic”, suggesting that reality is a disfunctional illusion, in which phenomenons are intertwined with places, texts, situations and approaches proper to the personal cultures of their authors.

Néon / 2011

This exhibition is supported by the Flemish authorities and the Swedish Institute in Paris.

It is part of the Résonance programme of the Biennale de Lyon.