Not even even

Laëtitia Badaut Haussmann

29 November — 5 January 2013

For the last exhibition of the year, In extenso invites Laëtitia Badaut Haussmann to conceive
an installation specifically for the space of the gallery.

Born in 1980, a graduate from ENSAPC (National Art School of Paris-Cergy), Laëtitia Badaut Haussmann circulates with ease between video, photography, writing, sculpture and installation.

At the crossroads of these mediums appears the question of the construction of (a) (hi)story, either memory-related or fictional. The references used in her scenarios are consistently flattened. Her research process makes the narrative disappear to reveal shapes with a strong evocative power that throws her inspiration sources back to a subterranean level.

Laëtitia Badaut Haussmann’s proposal for the gallery In extenso is built around the film And again and again and again (2012), made in collaboration with Noé Soulier (choreographer and dancer), and shown for the very first time. In this video he can be seen practicing the pirouette movement to the point of exhaustion. More widely, Not even even reveals how the artist is preoccupied by a specific gesture repertoire as well as the remnants of an action reaching its limits ; whether it concerns the fine and precise movement of a professional (dancer or funambulist) or the unsteady one of children like those in the picture chosen as the exhibition image.

The title of the exhibition Not even even plays on the double meaning of the word “even”.
Thanks to the repetition that could evoke the title of a song listened in a loop, these three words suffice to express a wait, a hesitation, a precarious movement, an imminent loss of balance.

In extenso and Laëtitia Badaut Haussmann warmly thank the partners of the exhibition:

Centre Photographique d’Ile-de-France (Pontault-Combault), Artistes en résidence (Clermont-Ferrand), le Nez dans les Étoiles, Bourges School of Circus Arts, and the Bastille Art Centre (Grenoble).

Intern: Marie-Camille Dodat

Media partner: parisART