With projects by: Pierre Ardouvin, Bad Beuys Entertainment, Benoît Broisat, Christophe Cuzin, Delafontaine-Niel / DN, Valérie Du Chéné, Mohamed El Baz, Marc Geneix, Delphine Gigoux-Martin, Sébastien Maloberti, François Martig, Bertrand Parinet, Guillaume Pinard, Delphine Reist, Jean-Baptiste Sauvage, Kristina Solomoukha, Laurent Tixador et Abraham Poincheval. Followed by interviews with each of the artists.
The cover is available in multiple colors (project by Christophe Cuzin).
Published in 2008.
ISBN : 978-2-9532338-0-3
96 pages. Color
30 x 24cm
1000 copies
5 euros
Available. Email contact@inextensoasso.com for all inquiries.